Unique Ways to Celebrate Mom 2023

Back in 1905, a woman named Anna Jarvis lost her mother and grieved deeply at her passing. She noted that many adult children at the time were neglectful of their aging mothers. The following year, in May, Anna invited her friends and neighbors from her mother’s community of Grafton, West Virginia and those in Anna’s current town of Philadelphia to join her at church, marking the anniversary of her death and celebrating her life. As a token of appreciation, she gave every mother at the services a carnation which was her mother’s favorite flower. These masses were so well received in both cities that she set out to promote an annual celebration of mothers across the country.

By 1911 every state in the U.S. had a Mother’s Day proclamation and in 1915 President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May be nationally observed as “a day to honor the best mother who ever lived – yours”. When the holiday grew in popularity, Anna became upset with its increasing commercialization and wanted to restore the day back as what she initially intended. Today we see Mother’s Day as a commemoration of the important women in our lives – moms, grandmothers, aunts, your best friend. In reverence of founder Anna’s vision, we’re sharing ideas from the heart to applaud the special ladies in your life.

The Gift of Time

Women are so busy these days. Offer your favorite young mom a helping hand with carpooling the kids around town or dropping off a homecooked meal on one of those most hectic family nights. A younger child could volunteer as a ‘mother’s helper’ to keep kids entertained while mom gets other things accomplished around the house.

Meal Time

Spending time around the table sharing stories and making new memories is a wonderful way to celebrate mom. It’s even better if she doesn’t have to cook. Prepare dinner or gather at a treasured local restaurant with her favorite people.

Share Your Thanks

Anna Jarvis believed a hand-written note was the proper way to let your mother know how much you care. Write a message recalling cherished moments together, or praise for some much-appreciated lifelong lessons she imparted. 

Start a New Tradition

An artsy mom would love to spend the day strolling through a local museum, take her out to see the latest Broadway show, or make a trip to a premier course with your “golf mom”. Think of a unique adventure for that special someone in your life, then set aside an afternoon creating new memories. Start a custom you will look forward to participating in year after year.

Plant a Garden

Mother’s Day coincides with the official start of spring plantings in many parts of the country. Celebrate mom by spending the day getting her yard ready for spring and get her some flowers she’ll enjoy all summer long. Maybe plant a vegetable garden and share its yield with weekly dinners or barbeques throughout the summer.

Celebrate Her Ancestry

Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world in many distinctive ways. Take a cue from other cultures:

  • In Mexico, families perform a play for mom based on their treasured memories of familial life.
  • In Peru, mom gets a whole week of celebrations complete with gifts and extra special efforts made each day.
  • In France, moms are treated to a custom-made cake shaped and decorated like a bouquet of flowers.
  • German moms are often given the gift of travel and can indulge their wanderlust.
  • Carnations are popular presents that symbolize the purity of love in Japan.
  • In Indonesia, the day is acclaimed by honoring all that mom has achieved.

Mother’s Day may look different to each of us, but showing mom appreciation is something we all share. We hope we’ve helped you bring something exceptional to your festivities and we’d love to share in your joy, so please tag us @HiLoveTravel on social media with your best photo of you and mom. If you’re looking for more traditional gifts, check out our Mother's Day Gift Guide where you can find something unique for mom. Our Spring 2023 collection features new pastels fabrics where you are sure to find a ‘must have’ treasure. #Sharethehilove this April with a portion of each sale this month going to The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund, which is working to reverse the trend of disappearing pollinators and other wildlife.

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